
Lasting happiness: Nurture your beauty from within

Veröffentlicht: 18.05.2024 | Author: Oriflame

Our hair, skin and nails are our most precious beauty assets, and our routines and rituals to care for them from the outside are super important – and an immense pleasure! Also, keep in mind that nurturing your beauty from within can result in living a more fulfilled and happier life. Tweaking some lifestyle choices can help your inherent beauty shine as well as bring more joy to your life. So, what is beauty from within?
Have you ever had a feeling that despite spending substantial amounts of your hard-earned cash on the best beauty products, and hours of your precious time on routines and treatments, you’re not quite achieving the results you want? The answer could lie in your lifestyle choices. Find out how to take a more holistic approach to enhancing beauty from within and increase your overall wellbeing.


Nutrients for wellbeing and beauty

Healthy skin, shiny hair and strong nails need the right nutrients to nourish and regenerate – the skin cells, hair follicles and nail matrix. Vitamins including the B-vitamins (especially biotin) and vitamin C, minerals like iron, selenium and zinc, antioxidants and amino acids (the building blocks of proteins) are all important to include in the diet. To feel good and look good, try to eat a wide variety of nutrient-rich and healthy foods, including plenty of fruits, vegetables and berries, whole grains, legumes, poultry, oily fish and shellfish. If you feel you’re not getting enough support from the diet, reach for Hair & Nails NutriComplex that supplies you with all essential minerals and vitamins for optimal beauty care. Your beauty from within will shine through and your overall health will benefit.

How stress affects your natural beauty

Stress affects both mental health and the ability to take care of yourself, but it’s important not to let that stress take over and become chronic – it depletes our nutrient storage due to increased bodily demands (Singh, 2016) – which can play havoc with our beauty from within and mood. Try to make moments in the day – even if they’re small ones – to relax and centre. Mindfulness, deep breathing and a few stretches, or a short walk in nature, can do wonders! During periods of increased stress try supplementing with antioxidants that help to protect the body from damaging free radicals. For example, Astaxanthin & Bilberry Extract is packed with superfoods and vitamins to combat ageing, inflammation and chronic stress.

Beauty sleep is not a myth

It’s not called beauty sleep for nothing! If you’re burning the candle at both ends, you’re not doing your inner beauty or your overall wellbeing any favours – and it shows! Without sleep you cannot even think straight – during sleep our bodies focus on repairing, renewing and restoring our cells. Create pre-sleep rituals, for example replace phone scrolling with a warm, scented bath, soft lighting and a good book and aim for 7-9 hours of shut-eye per night. If you haven’t been sleeping well, chances are you need some extra help. Wellness Pack for both men and women is curated by nutritionists to provide vitamins, minerals and micronutrients with scientifically proven health benefits. All of which contribute to normal function and maintenance of key bodily systems – from immune to nervous to muscular system.

Exercise to keep beauty in shape

Exercise doesn’t just keep your body in shape, it keeps your inner beauty in shape too! Getting the blood pumping is important to transport oxygen and nutrients around your body to support cell function and boost your mood. Try to incorporate physical activity into your day – a 30-minute power walk at lunchtime or whatever fits your lifestyle will benefit beauty from within, physical and emotional health.

How gut health affects your beauty and mood

The gut microbiome is intrinsically linked to skin and mental health – a balanced and diverse microbiome has been shown to have a positive impact on skin conditions including psoriasis and atopic dermatitis (Salem et al., 2018). The gut microbiota communicates with neurotransmitters such as serotonin and GABAs which are crucial for elevating mood and emotions. These are important for regulating wellbeing, sleep and appetite – all of which are tightly connected to providing inner beauty as well as good mood.
Help to keep your gut in good shape by feeding it with beneficial bacteria that come from pre- and probiotic foods. This includes plenty of fibre, fermented vegetables or dairy (yoghurt), legumes, bananas, onions, garlic, leek, etc. During times when you can’t sustain healthy eating, take Natural Balance Shake which is high on fiber and protein. This is a quick, nutritious, and healthy snack full of naturally sourced ingredients that provide all the essential amino acids that your body needs to function at its best and boost beauty from within.



Beauty no-nos!

Just as there are lot of things to do to boost your inner beauty and mood, there are few things to avoid as well – like limiting excessive exposure to cigarette smoke and pollution, and consumption of caffeine, alcohol and junk foods. And never forget SPF when you’re outside – even on cloudy day. All these factors can trigger free radical reactions – from stress to premature aging – in the body, which can cause harmful oxidative stress and require a well-functioning antioxidant defence. To support your body’s defence against free radicals, make sure to include plenty of antioxidant-rich foods in your diet, including colourful berries, fruits and vegetables.

Hydration is key

Last but not least, it’s easy to forget to drink water during the day when you’re busy, but good hydration is essential for each and every function in your body and mind. Healthy, glowing skin needs hydration from the inside out as well as the outside in!
In our pursuit of beauty from within, we often focus solely on the external, neglecting the profound impact that inner wellbeing can have on our appearance and happiness. While skincare routines and beauty products are undeniably important, true beauty blossoms from within. Discover the holistic approach to beauty that not only enhances your physical appearance but also enriches your overall wellbeing and happiness.


Salem I, et al. The Gut Microbiome as a Major Regulator of the Gut-Skin Axis. Front Microbiol. 2018 Jul 10;9:1459. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2018.01459.
Singh K. Nutrient and Stress Management. J Nutr Food Sci. 2016;6(4):1-6. doi: 10.4172/2155-9600.1000528.
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